
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw

Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
Comme des Garcons Homme Deux reversible poly carte tailored jacket 18aw
This product is with other goodsShippedAndExchangePayment byI can't.
* I will send it directly from the store.
Condition blue
Condition rank: B
S Like unused goods or new
A A bad article
B A good quality
C Dirt and damage can be seen
D A product that has a large sense of use
J Junk goods or materials or parts
Damage details
I have a feeling of use ★It has a relatively good condition.
* depending on the nature of the used item, there may be a small scratch other than the description. Please understand beforehand.

Size details
Expression size
Shoulder width 50.5 cm
Sock 65 cm
Width 50 cm
Length 64 cm
Size image
* I go in a flat state.
Please forgive some error because of the size.
* there are cases where the item in the figure is not calibrated depending on the item.
I am very sorry, but I do not do the resize after the product publication.
Please forgive some error because of the size.

Item details
Item name Comme des Garcons Homme de wool reshuffling poly
Management number 870110431
Brand Comm des Garcons homme
Model number Db-j030
Remarks Clean
* for accessories, there are cases in which accessories such as ribbons and replacement belts are available.
Everything in the item image and the description in the item explanation are all.
Category Mens - Outer - Jacket tailored
Color Bing Web: Navy system
* the material may be listed in the product image.

Please confirm before ordering
Depending on your monitor setting, the color may vary.
There are products that deliberately processed in design.
No similar goods, counterfeit, etc.
Please use the product to confirm the product status and understand the nature of the second-hand item.
The product described as "translation" and "unconfirmed" cannot guarantee the operation.
Even if it doesn't work, the return is not accepted. Please understand.

About shipping
[delivery to Japan]
Distributor: Japan Post
Postage: 630 yen nationwide
Purchase price is 11000 yen (tax included) more
* Sakawa express may be used for high value goods of more than 300000 yen or goods of a specific genre.
* we cannot accept the delivery order.

Distributor: EMS