Terms of service

The Book Off Corporation Co., Ltd. ('Our company' from henceforth) determines these terms of service ('These terms' from henceforth) for its administrated website 'hugall' ('These services' from henceforth) in the following manner. Persons who use these services agree to the following. In addition, please refer to each service, as items, such as guidelines, have been added when using specific services. The items of each and every service, such as the guidelines, compose part of these terms, and all of them are included in these terms of service.

Chapter 1. General regulations

Article 1. Definitions

Each of the following expressions, which are used in these terms, will hold the following meanings.
1. 'hugall' is an electronic commerce website established on the Web which our company manages.
2. 'The services' are the product sales services, as well as all other services, that our company offers at hugall.
3. 'The user' is any and all persons who use these services under the consent of these terms.
4. 'The products' are all items, including bags, watches, garments, precious metals, and tableware, that are sold or offered at hugall.

Article 2. Application of these terms

These terms apply to users who use hugall in any way, shape, or form.

Article 3. Detailed regulations

1. Our company can determine the detailed regulations ('Detailed regulations for usage' from henceforth) for these terms as well as the use of the specific services at hugall.
2. The detailed regulations for usage that appear in hugall compose part of these terms.
3. If the regulations of these terms and the regulations of the detailed regulations of usage differ, then the regulations of the detailed regulations of usage will take precedence and be applied.

Article 4. The range of these terms

The user will consent to the details of these terms, detailed regulations for usage, etc., that appear on every page of our services before they use said services, and will use our services after undergoing the measures established by our company to confirm their intention of consent to these terms.

Article 5. Notifications from our company

Our company will notify the user of any necessary matters at any time by displaying it on hugall or through any other method deemed appropriate by our company.

Article 6. Notification effect

The details of the displayed notification on hugall, as mentioned in the previous article, will come into effect the moment the notification is displayed on hugall.

Chapter 2. The users

Article 7. Usage restrictions

Persons who fall under any of the following will be unable to use the services of hugall.
1. Those who are not registered as customers with hugall
2. Those who violate these terms
3. Those who have proven to have submitted false information to the company
4. Those who have neglected to pay for things such as product charges in accordance with article 14, when using hugall
5. Those who cannot use the payment methods necessary to purchase products on hugall

Article 8 Reports of changes

1. If there are any changes in the information that was submitted to our company, then the user will quickly report those changes using the company specified method.
2. If the changes mentioned in the preceding paragraph are not reported, then, even if the user suffers detriments, the company will hold no responsibility over what may occur.

Chapter 3. The obligations of the users

Article 9. ID and password management responsibilities

The user will not allow any other persons to use their ID and corresponding password. The user will hold all responsibility for the usage and management of their own ID and corresponding password. The user will hold all responsibility for all acts and consequences that have been carried out through their own ID and password even if said acts were not conducted by the user themselves.

Article 10. Prohibited items

The user must not commit any of the following acts regarding the usage of hugall.
1. Submit false details when registering as a member
2. Cause acts that may hinder these services
3. The unauthorized use of a credit card to use these services
4. The unauthorized use of an ID and password
5. Acts that cause or could cause trouble, detriment or damage to a third party or our company
6. Acts that cause or could cause copyright, privacy or other right infringements to a third party or our company
7. Acts that violate or could violate the public order and moral or the law
8. Election campaigns, or similar acts, as well as other activities relating to the government or religion
9. Using our company's services for the user's business activities or money-making purposes
10. Any other acts which our company deems as inappropriate

Chapter 4. How to use

Article 11. The range of these services

The user will be able to use 'these services'. However, the company is able to change the details of these services without obtaining the consent of the user beforehand. The company can also terminate any part of or all offered services at any time.

Article 12. How to purchase products

1. In the case that the user uses these services to purchase products, they must follow the procedures and conditions as stated in these terms, the service information page, and all other pages on hugall. In addition, the delivery method for the products, the price of the products, other entries for purchasing the products and all other items necessary for the purchase of the products shall also be stated on each page and must be followed.
2. The contract of sale between the user and the company shall be established at the time that the shipping confirmation email for the product the user ordered on our website is sent. Furthermore, even if the registered email address is invalid, the contract of sale will still be established.
3. The user will pay the product price in accordance with the regulations in article 14.
4. The user will acknowledge that because of the law, various other regulations, or the decision of our company, users may receive restrictions, including one which stops them from purchasing certain products due to their location, age, etc.
5. Even if our company receives an order, we may be unable to deliver our products due to things such as system or stock problems. In that case we will provide a refund after contacting the user.

Article 13. Product delivery

1. Our company, or those entrusted with delivery by our company, will deliver the ordered products to the user in accordance with the appointed day of delivery. The user consents that our company, or those entrusted by us, may confirm the convenience of the user for the delivery of the products over the phone, including at night.
2. If the user is absent when the products are delivered to the delivery address, then they will specify a redelivery date and time within the days specified from the first delivery date in accordance with the delivery notice that was distributed at the time of the first delivery. If no date and time is specified for redelivery within the previously mentioned timeframe, or if the user is absent at the time of redelivery, then the user agrees in advance that their ordered products can be treated as returned products due to the decision of our company.
3. The user will immediately check the quantity and condition of their products as soon as they receive them, and in the case that the products were damaged during delivery, have a hidden defect, were mistaken during delivery, or another similar problem is found, then the user will contact ‘hugall Customer Center’ from our website’s inquiry counter within 10 days of receiving their products.

Article 14. How to pay for products, etc.

1. The amount the user will pay when purchasing products will include the sum total for the products, postage fees, consumption taxes, and handling charges for things such as cash on delivery services.
2. The method of payment when purchasing products will be through a credit card under the name of the user, cash on delivery, or any other payment method specially approved by the company.
3. If payment is made through a credit card, then the conditions of the agreement made separately between the user and their credit card company will be followed. Furthermore, if a dispute occurs between the user and said credit card company, or any other entity related to the user’s payment method, then the dispute will be resolved by both parties concerned and our company will hold no responsibility in the matter at all. The user will also recognize the risks, such as information leaks, involved with sending their credit card numbers in order to pay for our services and will hold responsibility for these actions. Our company will not hold responsibility for compensating any damages occurred from problems such as information leaks.

Article 15. Questions and complaints

Any questions, complaints, or other inquiries related to product purchases will be handled by the hugall Customer Center.

Article 16. Product returns, exchanges, etc.

1. Products cannot be returned unless they were damaged during delivery, there is a defect in the product, or there was a mistake in delivery.
2. The user can return their products with no charge for shipping if their products were damaged during delivery, there is a defect in the product, or there was a mistake in delivery. In this case, the user will contact the hugall Customer Center within 10 days of receiving their products and, as a general rule, will send the products to the address specified by the hugall Customer Center.
Our company can offer support through a refund or product exchange after the user has contacted our company.

Chapter 5. Management

Article 17. Personal information

The handling and management of personal information will conform to our company’s ‘Personal Information Protection Policy’ provision.

Article 18. Deletion of customer registrations

Our company reserves the right to suspend the usage of our services to a user or delete their registration at the company’s discretion without informing the user beforehand if the user falls under any of the following. The user will not be able to make any objections.
1. If it comes to light that in the past the user has already violated these terms of service and as such has had their customer registration deleted
2. If the fulfillment of payment debts of charges related to our services is delayed, or if other fulfillments are not met
3. If the user commits an act listed in article 10 (Prohibited items)
4. If the user violates anything else in these terms
5. In the case of any of the preceding items

Article 19. Suspension of our services

Our company reserves the right to suspend part of or all offered services temporarily or permanently to a user at the company’s discretion without informing the user beforehand if the user falls under any of the following. The user will not be able to make any objections.
1. When facilities or other devices necessary for the provision of these services fail or when maintenance is performed at a regular or urgent period
2. When a fire, power cut, or other problem causes the provision of these services to shutdown
3. When an earthquake, eruption, flood, tsunami, or other natural disaster causes the provision of these services to shutdown
4. When war, riots, rampages, disturbances, strikes, or other similar problems causes the provision of these services to shutdown
5. When the company deems it necessary to suspend services due to operational or technical reasons
6. In the case of any of the preceding items

Article 20. Disclaims

1. Our company will not hold responsibility for damage compensation or any other kind of responsibility in regards to goods, services, information, or any other items, including acts, offered or performed by any entity outside of our company.
2. Our company will not hold responsibility for damage compensation or any other kind of responsibility to our users for any damage incurred by using our services (including damages as a result of trouble produced between the user and another entity), or any damages incurred as a result of not being able to use our services. However, if there is a reason for our company to be responsible then our company will be responsible for damage compensation up to the amount the user paid, unless the damage was intentional towards our company or if it was due to gross negligence.
3. Our company will process the necessary work in accordance with the user’s registered details, and the user will not object to any paperwork done in accordance with the user’s registered details.
4. Our company will endeavor to improve the quality of the information that the users acquire through our company’s websites and the content of our services, however, our company will not guarantee the safety, certainty, accuracy, usefulness, morality, integrity, or other similar functions in regards to that information and our services.
5. Our company will not guarantee the safety, certainty, accuracy, usefulness, morality, integrity, or other similar functions for information and other items offered through our services from users and other third parties (including other registered customers).

Article 21. The management of the violation of these terms

(1) If a user violates these terms, or if a claim or bill is submitted in relation to the usage of our services by the user from another entity, or if it is recognized as necessary by the company, or for any other reason deems that the user is unfit to operate on our services, then that user will be subject to any of or any combination of the following measures.
(2) A demand will be made to have them undergo a discussion with the entity in order to resolve the claim or bill.
(3) They will be suspended from using our services without the need to notify them beforehand.
(4) Their customer registration will be deleted.

2. The user accepts that, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the company is not obliged to take the measures stated in that same paragraph. In the case that the user is subject to one or more of the measures already listed by our company, then the user will not report any objections or complaints in relation to any results caused by said measures to the company.

Chapter 6. Other

Article 22. Copyright

1. The user cannot use any information provided through our services without the permission of the copyright holder, and personal reproduction, etc., of private information and items recognized by copyright laws cannot be used outside of the range of copyright regulation limits.
2. Our company can reuse any information relating to products or impressions about these services that the user has sent to our company and put them on our company’s websites, such as hugall, and the user will cooperate with us in this matter.
3. If any problems occur from violating the regulations in this article, then the user will resolve the problem at the user’s own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to the company.

Article 23. Revision of these terms

1. The company can change or terminate part of or all parts of these terms (Including the detailed regulations of usage. This shall be applied from henceforth) based on changes in the state of society, law reformations, or other times deemed suitable by our company. The user will not make any objections to these changes.
2. The changes or termination of these terms will come into effect the moment the changes of these terms or the termination notice is displayed on hugall.

Article 24. Problem management

If an unresolvable problem occurs due to these terms or the guidance of our company in relation to the usage of our services, then both our company and the user will talk with mutual sincerity and resolve the problem.

Article 25. Exclusive agreement jurisdictional courts

If the need for a lawsuit occurs between the user and our company, then the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court in the first instance

Article 26. Governing law

The governing law in relation to these terms will be the Law of Japan.

Supplementary provision

These terms will apply to all users from January 14, 2020.